Last Thursday oil reached $40.10 a barrel before closing at $39.54.
When oil reached $60 last week, the reaction was quite different.
Throughout the first half of 2008, oil regularly reached record high prices.
On September 24, oil reached $79.85, down 9 percent for the week, due to concerns about another recession and the overall world economy.
He thought for a minute, and then said, 'After the oil reaches the coast, how is it transported?
Turn heat to high, and wait a few minutes, until the oil reaches 350 degrees.
Iran's annual oil and gas revenues will reach $250 billion by 2015.
Moreover, there are those who still expect prices to retreat when oil from Iraq reaches the market.
When properly filled, oil should reach the top of the slot.
But experts said that it could be weeks before the oil reached delivery points.