A short calculation now shows that the observation yields the correct answer ω with error O(1/N).
Close observation yields a few paragraphs of material.
Battle reconnaissance: Sharp observation of the hostile territory yielded excellent results during the night of August 10 and in the first hours of the morning.
Data on wind speeds on Titan were also lost, but radio astronomers said the observations may yield indirect evidence of the wind strength.
The other is that observation yields a secure basis from which knowledge can be derived.
The observations so far have yielded no clues to how the seed black holes originated.
"At the very least," Spock continued, "detailed observations could yield the procurement of historical information long believed lost to time."
Indirect observations of a star's wobbles had yielded only gross estimates of the planets' mass and size.
Observation patrols over the enemy lines were very difficult due to the poor visibility, and direct observation yielded very little useful information.
Perhaps observation of these extreme conditions at that close range will yield data of military value.