This is part of a general observation collected into the following result.
Officials defended as effective the hot line that has collected more than 70,000 tips and observations from callers.
Accurate planetary observations being collected today will in time lead to more stringent tests for a tenth planet.
Photometric observations collected during 2006-08 were used to measure time variations of the asteroid light curve.
This type of study typically uses a survey to collect observations about the area of interest and then performs statistical analysis.
He began collecting pithy observations, and then, as a budding performance artist, began writing his own.
There are many other observations being collected, for example, those about eclampsia, a serious attack of convulsions that occurs during pregnancy.
Other works included The Visitors Book (1937), observations collected from hotel visitors' books.
During the 1950s, Isachsen Station was primarily collecting radiosonde observations.
They collected meteorological observations and measurements and took photographs.