The nostalgic image of Vespa, however, could not hide the fact that Vespa was making a loss.
"To many people, film noir has become this nostalgic image of guys in raincoats and fedoras coming down alleyways," he said.
Sometimes people can be persuaded to view life through a soft lens and vote for a nostalgic image they never knew.
"Every once in a while I like to show that I can do romantic, nostalgic images with no cutting message," she said.
It's a nostalgic image and therefore may seem safer for prime time.
The powerfully nostalgic images could illustrate a volume of Alice Munro's short stories.
Or challenge the nostalgic images of Aarons's women, who, 15 to 25 years ago, wandered lost and confused at the threshold of feminism.
Because of its associations with diners and coffee shops, Formica retains a rather charming, nostalgic image.
They were enchanting, conjuring up nostalgic images of 1960's hippies.
(One of her footed bowls, awash with nostalgic images, is on view in the Green Room.)