The club, operated by Jorge Vergara, is the northern cousin of perhaps the most popular team in the Mexican league.
In those early days, the emerging Federation was unaware of the existence of the Plainfolk, their northern cousins.
Compared to its northern cousins, the skull of the Turkmenian fox has a relatively large cranium with a weakly developed sagittal crest.
But the southrons knew all the tricks their northern cousins did, even if they weren't always quite so handy with them.
These brook trout do not grow as big as their northern cousins, though that may be because of the limited food supply.
Like their northern cousins, they speak Austro-Asiatic languages, a group which includes Khmer.
The Nyss are the frosty northern cousins of the Iosan.
They are generally a more upbeat group than their northern cousins.
I don't have refrigeration capacity the way my northern cousins do.
The coat is covered in more spots than that of the northern species of Bobcat and has shorter, denser hair then its northern cousin.