The whole scheme is based upon a pyramid plan with each student peddling the course to new seekers of truth.
The new seeker enhanced the missile's target detection capabilities, allowing it to discriminate between a target, countermeasures, and background clutter.
At the same time he continued to instruct new seekers on the path of the Way of the Masters (Sant Mat).
In addition to being more flare-resistant, newer seekers are also less likely to be fooled into locking onto the sun, another common trick for avoiding heat-seeking missiles.
At any rate, we are always on guard whenever some new seeker after truth appears on our doorstep, and whenever we venture outside the Community.
The three principal women lead the sixth song, and Mr. Osborne, as the new seeker, contracts his torso, does a backbend and reaches toward fulfillment.
Since this would be beyond the range of effective semi-active homing, a new active-radar terminal seeker was added to the missile.
Ah; and now a new seeker after the Light.
Most importantly, the new seeker also introduced detector element cooling in the form of a pressurized nitrogen bottle attached to the launcher.
The German contribution to ASRAAM was a new advanced seeker.