Not only do these methods vindicate the intuitions of the pioneers, they also lead to new mathematics.
This historic feat paved the way for other researchers to explore the new mathematics of pseudospectral optimal control theory.
It came with its own methodology, which involved trying to build everything up from micro foundations with some snazzy new mathematics.
Now, some new mathematics suggests a way one can get around this issue.
She included an analytical section where she applied the new mathematics of calculus to Newton's most controversial theories.
A lot of Cantor's work led eventually to what is called "new mathematics" in schools today.
An entirely new mathematics would be necessary.
If we found there wasn't any other side, then we would just have to invent a new mathematics.
The ideas in question have to do with the new mathematics of chaos and fractals.
When she emerges, she'll be the only being anywhere left based on the present, rather than the new mathematics.