He has helped to redefine Latin jazz as a complex new idiom; this weekend he will lead two of his own groups.
There was also the prospect of more poetry although "They would have to be new poems in a new idiom".
The symphony gave Shostakovich compositional trouble, as he attempted to reform his style into a new idiom.
He evidently found the new idiom interestingly problematic, but not attractive enough to compel his full attention.
This is a relatively new idiom, which becomes in the evolution of new values.
A few moments of leisure, a little reading in an English paper, a new idiom - perhaps two - all very without excitement.
This says that in every language, new idioms constantly come into existence.
While some welcomed Rameau's new idiom, more conservative listeners found it unappealing.
Schoenberg's own fear was that his new idioms might fail to communicate.
She doesn't hear the language in a quirky way, hasn't invented a new idiom.