Speaking in Wolverhampton to an audience of business people, he said the next decade would need a new acronym.
Mr. Pozar has even come up with a new acronym to describe his plan.
This time there is no need of new agencies or new acronyms.
A competition within the member states was held to amend the flag to reflect the new acronym in the same style as used previously.
There is always some new acronym in the technology industry.
You know, that's one of my favorite new acronyms.
During timeouts, Larranaga continued to yell the new acronym to his players, and they loved it.
We cannot launch anything in today's world without making a new acronym.
The column reports that in a survey of 128 large companies, 60% say they are hiring more Y2K (the hot new acronym, apparently) staff.
The new acronym was coined by Davies after several meetings among the scriptwriters.