Investors and customers were hoping that the company would announce new accounting and quality controls in its Q3 report to reverse the slide.
But the new accounting, he said, should produce more stable earnings in the long term.
In parallel with a move to its new headquarters, Pearl's new financial accounting and management information system went live on time and within budget.
Beyond each confrontation with the Third Reich, a new accounting always lurks.
He said that the minors had virtually no media contracts to figure into the proposed new accounting and that they probably would pay more taxes.
In Britain, a new accounting rule forces companies to show the actual results of their pension plan investments.
But assuming the new accounting rules were in place last year, the TV unit posted a 25 percent increase in operating income.
Preparation for the new accounting, capital accounting system, required all our assets to be valued.
His calculations are done as if the new accounting had been in effect all along and the merger took place.
Nevertheless contracting does incur greater administrative costs in the form of new accounting and information systems and staff.