The women hobbled awkwardly together to a nearby patch of scrub vegetation that would give them meager cover.
It was a common-variety mustard green that had migrated from a nearby patch of at least a half-dozen more.
The party went to earth in a nearby patch of shrubs like miniature fir trees.
A few people began to drift out of line toward their cars and nearby patches of shade.
Stepping into the warm autumn sunshine he spread out his clothes to dry then sat down in a nearby patch of long yellow-pink grass.
Someone had flitted out of a nearby patch of trees.
He settled on a nearby patch of grass.
When it does an "inappropriate landing", it flies off to any other nearby patch of green.
If the pixel is in a region of uniform intensity, then the nearby patches will look similar.
If the pixel is on a feature with variation in all directions, then none of the nearby patches will look similar.