But that relatively modest dose has no detectable long-term effect on many others.
Men do not demand genuine beauty, even in the most modest doses; they are quite content with the mere appearance of beauty.
The mixture that hits the smoker tastes like very hot tobacco smoke and delivers a modest dose of nicotine.
Even modest doses of narcotine can induce profound nausea and vomiting.
Mike smiled knowingly as he added a modest dose to his coffee.
IS it heresy to suggest that America could use a modest dose of pessimism right now?
Sometimes, a modest dose of a risky asset can make an entire portfolio less volatile.
Held in modest doses over a long period, they can actually help stabilize an investor's holdings.
Highly radiosensitive cancer cells are rapidly killed by modest doses of radiation.
We should have taken health care reform in small, modest doses, in doable increments.