The Keedoozle was a completely automated store, similar to very large vending machine, based on modern supply chain principles.
Voting systems are also examples where bias can easily be constructed into an apparently simple machine based system.
Even more conventional memory can be freed on machines based on a 386, 386SX or i486 chip.
This led to a cumbersome machine based on an automated pipettor, with open reaction tubes.
Dell executives said they expected that falling prices would help speed customers' transition to the Pentium from machines based on the much slower 486 processor.
The tests are performed on machines based on the AutoAnalyzer invented in 1957.
A predetermined amount of spare machines based on the difficulty level chosen are given to players before starting a cup.
Profit margins are also lower than in instruments, especially as the computer industry has shifted toward smaller machines based on industry standards.
Owners of faster machines based on the 286 or 386 chips probably won't mind the slight delay.
Now, only half the company's revenue comes from mainframes: the new strategy means selling smaller machines, based on industry standard 'open' operating software.