I imagine you'd claim something along the lines of democracy, the monarchy and cups of tea?
The only difference being on lines of direct democracy, assembly and through the use of direct action (which simply means working class people acting collectively through their own means and organisations, not relying on political parties or the state.
Members said the congress would almost certainly change the name of the Communist Party, whose official name is the Socialist Unity Party, and could well transform it along the lines of Western social democracy, possibly abandoning the factory cells that have traditionally been its primary base.
A moderate group, the Group of Nine, issued a manifesto in August that advocated nonaligned socialism along the lines of Scandinavian social democracy.
So, I welcome the conference and hope that the diplomatically savvy Brits will be able to succeed in helping bring Somalis closer to their goal of remaking their nation along the lines of democracy and freedom that is fully consistent with Islamic tenents.
The most conservative members of the PS, they advocated an alignment of French socialism along the lines of European social democracy, that is, a clear acceptance of the market economy.
The front line of democracy must be defended democratically.
We in the EU must establish an anteroom to those Balkan states which intend to develop along the lines of democracy and the market economy.