These intended changes made it impossible for the two of them to continue to do what their heart felt conviction demanded.
Flashing turn signals on the front, side, and rear of the vehicle indicate an intended change of position or direction.
Even though the doctors organized strikes, the intended changes aimed by the deputy mayor were carried out.
Despite the intended changes, some critics of the company remained unimpressed.
If this is the intended change it would be a real shame as it doesn't let you get a proper feel for the system.
Again, at its most broad, it can be defined as any willed action leading to intended change.
Henry died in 1106, before his intended changes were complete.
There are many reasons for parties failing to produce intended changes in outcomes.
Regulators examine the genetic modification, its protein products, and any intended changes that those proteins make to the food.
He began signaling intended changes at his Senate confirmation hearing.