His silver hair was cut short and impeccably combed, his clothing was as crisp and neat as any dress uniform, and his bearing and posture were textbook perfection.
His dark suit was impeccably cut, his shirt a blinding white, his brogues polished to a mirror shine.
But at least, he thought with a surge of self-confidence, his English was almost perfect, and he was wearing a suit of clothes that was impeccably cut by the best tailor in Paris.
His garb was of the richest crimson, trousers cut impeccably yet without a crease, a waisted and collarless jacket, lavishly embellished with stitched bro-cade, a lace cravat about the neck.
Maier's comfy yet impeccably cut tunics are as likely to be spotted at the Setai as on the strip.
The trousers were leaner and slimmer, cut impeccably to give the models a whippet shape.
He was in European clothes, a white Tergal suit impeccably cut and worn with indifference, a dark blue tie with a gold motif, small gold cuff-links.
His jackets and skirts are impeccably cut, his choice of colors are fresh and his fabrics are interesting.
No doubt she was unbuttoning Baron Schecter's impeccably cut trousers.
Tall and handsome, his flame-red hair impeccably cut, Car-olin would have stood out, even in this elegant gathering.