Second, it allowed him to make the images follow one another with the effect of a cinematic narrative.
Other elegant images follow, for this is a book by a writer who loves language.
The image of Sara's face, lined with concern, followed him into oblivion.
As before, the director's visual images and lighting design lead; the music and text follow.
When they moved, images followed them like some kind of special effect.
A rippling image followed the Apostate's hand as he swept it across the landscape before her.
Guys around here liked to retire to Florida, but even there, most of them would say, the images still followed.
The image of her wide-set, dark hazel eyes followed him into sleep nearly every night.
The images above show slow growth between 1984 and 2000, followed by a decade of more rapid development.
At least, when she thought of one thing, the image of the other followed.