A. It's not, as suspected, a pitch in which the baseball has been illegally cut or scratched or scraped or sanded.
The authorities said the gang had been functioning since 1990 and had illegally cut nearly $400 million worth of timber.
State officials say bondsmen also have been illegally cutting their state-regulated fees and thereby freeing suspects for considerably less than the judge intended.
Prohibition of vegetation control, except under standards set by Secretary; a sign became unlawful if an owner was proven to illegally cut for a sign's visibility.
Maybe if you talk to this guy Edmundson, tell him they're cutting illegally .
While he was pitching on September 30, 1980, he was caught using a thumbtack to illegally cut the ball.
The village chief (Senthamarai) cuts illegally the sandalwood trees.
Illegally cut timber in a protected forest in East Java.
In 1876 Shumack and one of his relatives were convicted of illegally cutting timber on Crown lands.
"Seven out of 10 logs in Indonesia are illegally cut," he said.