Pat Matero, the chamber's president, said it would help keep Irving's legacy alive, especially for children.
Since its founding in 1853, the Community Aid Society has continually initiated helping programs and services for poor children and families.
The money will go to the Victim Services Agency, a not-for-profit organization that helps finance programs for battered women, abused children and other victims.
Upward Sports Missions helps churches around the world conduct leagues and camps for children ages five to thirteen.
She has helped New York's homeless shelters for women and children.
There is also help for children who are home schooled.
Help for children with cancer Frankfurt e.V.
In return for Fayed's assistance, Madonna helped his daughter's charity for underprivileged and abused children.
In particular, I cannot help but feel respect and warm feelings for young children.
Within this humanitarian framework, we must encourage implementation of prevention centres and help centres for women, expectant mothers and children.