There in the splendid room stood an older man, also in a white short jacket, but with gold epaulets and Chief Steward above the pocket.
It was ordered that the uniform of the new Regiment should be "dark green facings, gold epaulets and yellow buttons".
The only other figure at the table is a bearded man wearing a uniform of off-green who sits to his right, with gold epaulets.
Rex was in the army and he wore his scarlet uniform, decorated with gold epaulets and numerous medals.
He wore a green dress uniform with gold epaulets.
An Imperial officer with gold epaulets and a spiked wax mustache rode by in the other direction.
Although he cannot be sure, one wears gold epaulets - the only such figure Lorn has seen, either around the piers or in his chaos-glass.
He reached out and flicked a gold epaulet, leaving it swinging.
Where else would he have found that black cat suit with the giant gold epaulets?
The fringe on his gold epaulets swayed as he breathed.