Candlelight vigils, crowded sidewalk protests, placard-waving pupils, furious letter-writing campaigns - all for the plight of the gifted and talented?
The folks who bring you cable television have launched a furious campaign to scuttle legislation that would re-regulate their industry.
This decision is attributed by Chiper to political adversity: "the name he carried was a danger for his father's enemies who [...] launched on a furious campaign against his person".
The Cabinet statement amounted to a step-up in an already furious campaign by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to head off an American initiative.
Now he is waging a furious diplomatic campaign to keep the European finance ministers from adopting it when they meet on Tuesday.
In a world where appearance is everything, Hollywood's image makers went to work yesterday on a furious campaign to persuade the world that the home shopping executive was not tarnished by the loss.
We had a furious campaign about whether to renovate Lambeau Field, where the Packers play, and just as that was ending, the presidential stuff started.
The Cabinet statement marked an escalation of an already furious campaign by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to head off the American initiative.
In this furious campaign his armies devastated Northumbria, captured and sacked York in 633 and briefly controlled the kingdom.
Now, after a furious campaign and months of criticism, that number is unchanged.