Your employer may not want to pay full-time wages for part-time work and your insurance may not cover the gap.
Unfortunately, Johannesburg's once-thriving local opera season had collapsed after WWII, and it was not possible at this time to earn a full-time wage as a singer.
Remember the median national average full-time wage is around £ 22K.
The advantage is you can train them to do what full-timers do, but you don't have to pay them the full-time wages and benefits.
The US Department of Labor has indicated that in 2009, "the median weekly earnings of women who were full-time wage and salary workers was.80 percent of men's".
This brought the average full-time wage to £26,500.
In 2009, 20.6% of full-time employees were estimated to be low-paid, defined by the OECD as earning less than two-thirds of the national gross median hourly full-time wage.
Went on to work evening shifts at a B&Q store in East Sussex, which had a scholarship paying full-time wages for only eight hours of work a week.
In economics, the absence rate is the ratio of workers with absences to total full-time wage and salary employment.
The city's bus company, the third-largest such public-sector undertaking in the country, pays thousands a full-time wage for a part-time job.