The fighting has been between the Government, paramilitary forces that defend landowners, who frequently enjoy complicity of the army, and leftist guerrillas.
Crowley enjoyed being a figure of controversy and frequently deliberately provoked it among his peers and in the media.
Visitors to Barcelona frequently enjoy the pleasure of being in a minority at tourist spots.
Church drama groups frequently enjoy doing musical dramas which can be downloaded online for free use.
Senator Joseph I. Lieberman's critics frequently enjoy referring to him as a member of "the party of one."
Even so, it was a tradeoff that I frequently enjoyed.
I frequently enjoy his movies, and there's no arguing with the fact that his stardom has endured for more than three decades.
And, of course, march potatoes - those who frequently enjoyed a more, shall we say, leisurely pace.
Danny is friendly with Samantha and they frequently enjoy a teasing relationship.