How did people manage to make such horrible messes on this tiny, fragile planet?
Volk states, "We all share the fragile, little planet.
Nothing but the Sacred Protector kept the fragile planet intact, and it had started failing in its job.
The significance of our lives and our fragile planet is then determined only by our own wisdom and courage.
Feeding a human population that increasingly crowds a fragile planet.
We-small, insignificant creatures scurrying over our fragile planet, lost in the Galaxy-we were, after all, the center of the universe.
It is now almost like a tiny, fragile, separate planet.
Maybe she'd been correct in her hypothesis, that indeed, caste customs, especially those related to reproduction, had arisen out of a fragile planet's needs.
We, man, will destroy this fragile planet faster and more surely than any cataclysm of nature.
And as it is yours, so is the guardianship it provides to your fragile planet.