Matt Roberts, whose 20-minute fitness plan is free with today's paper, runs through the essentials of a healthy regime.
For more information about developing a personal fitness plan, see the topic Fitness.
Couples who exercise together, experts have always said, are more likely to stick to a fitness plan than those who go it alone.
Pair the diet with this fitness plan and you'll lose up to 10 pounds in five weeks.
Now that you know the benefits of cardio exercise, where should your heart-pumping fitness plan begin?
The program creates a fitness plan for each person based on height, weight and other characteristics.
At a health spa, you can play a brisk game of tennis, but you'll also get help in developing an ongoing fitness plan.
Going from 500 sit ups a day to a well regulated diet and fitness plan, Dinant saw results after three months.
Our no nonsense guide to sticking with your fitness plan.
Check with your doctor before starting a new fitness plan and get going with these five tips: