He's consolidating his funds, picking up the pace, which we find worrisome.
Clemson and I walked over to the courthouse together, using the time to talk about Bailey's frame of mind, which he found worrisome.
That would keep the deficit at about 2.5 percent of gross national product, which many economists do not find worrisome.
It is a shift that some religious advocates find worrisome.
"If you look at the attendance figures, you will see that they have dropped dramatically in recent years, to a level that I find worrisome."
I told Courtney, 'Anything you find offensive or worrisome, just tell me and we'll work it out.'
What the critics find worrisome is that with each passing year, fewer workers are eligible for any benefits.
It was the other side of it Merlin found worrisome.
But it is the wide disparity that many find worrisome.
What he does find potentially worrisome is the fact that rehearsals take place only in the days immediately before each concert.