You'll find gorgeous fabrics, pure white walls, crisp bedding and dreamy views.
Liz Mauceri, a local decorator, helped find wallpaper and fabrics.
Inside you find new fabrics for the seats and new combinations of colors, finishes on the bridge are painted silver or dark gray.
In other shops in the terminal, I found antique jewelry and fabrics, beautiful enough to be framed as works of art, at attractive prices.
Jane Cullen finds opulent fabrics and her own private Jacuzzi at The Toren hotel in Amsterdam.
Excavations found imported fabrics from England, Byzantium, Persia, and central Asia.
By combining these different ideas you will find fabrics that resemble woven linen, hopsack-look cloth and even lacy-look materials.
Her challenge: finding styles and fabrics that skim her in all the right places.
Embroidery, beads and especially sequins join forces with Easter grass, found fabrics, old sweaters, twigs and dryer lint, to bedazzling effect.
For repairs, the staff finds fabrics, laces and other trims that are compatible with those in the old garments.