In one instance, a woman from Isfahan who legally traveled abroad found that her home had been confiscated when she returned home.
The silver spangled Spitzhauben is the most common variety found abroad.
There was even that hint of tension you often find abroad these days.
A Lebanese man returning to Beirut after a six-week vacation abroad found many changes in the city.
The only help you'll find abroad this night, white skin, is that which will spill the life out of you.
Many foreign stock markets are inefficient compared with the American market, which means bargains may be easier to find abroad.
There will be a curfew at dusk and anyone found abroad after this will be arrested.
Meanwhile, travellers abroad found no difficulty in buying Spycatcher in airport bookstalls.
Summer work is usually much harder to find abroad: try the summer schools in London, Vancouver, and Sydney.
I am afraid," she said smilingly, "you must find us all very stupid after your travels abroad?