Economic and financial interdependence are not the only global trends with implications for this country.
The cultural, financial and emotional interdependence between France and its former colonies creates a complex situation.
In closing, Wolfson defines marriage loosely, calling it "a relationship of emotional and financial interdependence between two people who make a public commitment."
The couples would have to provide documentary proof of the duration and financial interdependence of their partnership.
The laws define domestic partners as individuals who are over 18 years old, single but living together in a relationship of mutual support, commitment and financial interdependence.
"The weakness of existing safeguards is exposed by risks related to emerging technologies, financial interdependence, resource depletion and climate change, leaving society vulnerable."
Only two of the eight criteria put forth by Arlington County even related to finances; one, "financial interdependence", contradicted this definition of "dependent".
Otherwise, the court reasoned that "dependent" must include some kind of financial dependency rather than mere "financial interdependence".
The applicants would have to show proof of financial interdependence and that they live together.
TO owners, the standard of "financial and emotional interdependence" is vague, subjective and certain to lead to abuses.