Here they were today in their final tuneup for Monday night's game against Jacksonville - a week after having faced (and defeated) Denver.
Now we were resting before the big push and the car was receiving its final tuneup in Ghardaia.
Andy Pettitte pitched in last night's exhibition against the Giants, in his final tuneup before the start of the regular season.
The final tuneup before conference play will feature the first ever meeting between the Langston Lions and Lamar.
The four-day event, which ends today, is the final major pre-Olympic tuneup meet in the United States.
Teams walk through their plays on Saturdays as a final tuneup for the game.
California's final major tuneup is the Santa Anita Derby on April 3.
But most of the leading contenders for the six other Cup races that afternoon will have a final tuneup during the next 10 days.
One of those games must be used to get Collins ready, the other as a final tuneup for Graham.
They play their final tuneup on Sunday against Canada in Calgary.