Community projects often involve festival participants in the dance making and performance process.
But there is also a video salon that makes other tapes available to festival participants.
While the performances and panels are open to the public, workshops are available only to registered festival participants.
These events present opportunities for informal mingling between festival participants and the enjoyment of various shows and presentations.
Privately, many festival participants - from actors to directors - agreed thatall the writers should receive the same pay.
A Traditional Curse The main word shouted by the festival participants was "bakayaro!"
JFest seeks to promote environmental awareness amongst festival participants.
Many restaurants and shops near the train are offering discounts to festival participants, who must say the password, "International Expressions."
Along the fringes, tables had been set up, crowded with more festival participants.
The Youth Leaders interviewed past festival participants, contestants and queens and compiled the stories into a documentary.