Griffin favored cutting "less popular parts" of the budget, including basic research, and Stern's refusal to do so led to his resignation.
But a minority of officials and executives who favor cutting rates increasingly point across the Channel to Britain to justify their position.
The Senate Democrats, who a few years ago approved the tax increases that recently took effect, now favor cutting it.
Mr. Pataki, for instance, favored cutting a tax on large real-estate sales.
A majority of Americans favor cutting military spending over other options to lower national budget deficits, the latest Gallup poll has found.
Hoping for Tax Break There were some, however, who favored cutting taxes, even if it did mean reducing services.
For example, nearly half the respondents said they favored keeping military spending about the same, while the other half favored cutting it.
Mrs. Galef said that no such study had been conducted but that she favored cutting the budget.
No one favors cutting benefits outright, but some way must be found to slow their growth if a budget compromise is to be reached.
Helms was also prominent as a champion of free enterprise, and favored cutting the budget.