These home-based enterprises, called "honeybee activities", involve a myriad of ventures.
The enterprise of watching other people's children within one's own home, officially called family day care, may well be the world's second oldest profession.
So many different activities take place in enterprises called "hedge funds" that the term is perhaps more confusing than helpful.
In 1999, an enterprise called Sport News assumed the club's football section for a short time period.
Clearly the expensive enterprise called for a marquee star.
They all were planned to create one large enterprise, called Ironworks of the Kamienna River.
Published by a social enterprise called Southside Media.
I'm the founder of a social enterprise called People Who Share which is dedicated to growing a global market place for sharing.
There is also an educational enterprise called Suryakiran which is for underprivileged children.
They have formed a joint enterprise called Deitch Greenberg Projects.