She followed him, which he seemed to enjoy tremendously.
I don't recall ever having laughed out loud while reading a recipe before, but I did when I read Jonathan Reynolds's hilarious article, which I enjoyed tremendously (March 19).
If I recall correctly (it was so long ago), Chevy tremendously enjoyed testing the limits of the not-laughing.
She enjoyed the evening tremendously, but the end of it rather spoiled all.
I used to enjoy tremendously asking my friends this very question and used to ask it at every available opportunity.
Tarras was enjoying tremendously his peregrinations through Scandinavia and Germany, as well as his search along the Atlantic coast of the U.S. for available oil tankers.
He began collecting vinyl at the age of two and would be allowed to spin records in the park, an activity he enjoyed tremendously as a child.
Hand let her listen to his Sundays album, which she seemed to enjoy tremendously.
"But I'm with a group of people here and an organization here that I enjoy tremendously."