"Still the same engaging child!"
The event won two awards, one for excellence in the field of heritage and the other for engaging children with history.
She smiled shyly up at Sir Thomas, forcing him to withdraw his gaze from his sister to smile back at the engaging child.
Bogglevision in particular has been successful in engaging children in the stage shows.
Shemel is a beautiful and engaging child with delicate, impish features.
Imagine yourself the parent of an otherwise bright and engaging child who has reached the fourth grade without learning to read.
The goal of the camp is to encourage curiosity; by engaging children in a new culture, they are exposed to different lifestyles.
Through engaging children and other members of the local community, the park will inspire awareness and dedication to conservation.
- Major portion of time will be spending engaging children in the fort environment and participating in the Junior Ranger Program.
So engaging children in critical debate all part of what I'd expect a creative teacher to be able to do.