Firstly, I wish to communicate; secondly, to embrace my children and bid them farewell for the last time.
She believes it's time for the religious right and the spiritual left to come together and embrace all God's children and creations.
Parents embraced their children and wondered how they would ever let them into a car again.
Harold and Sheila embraced each other's children as their own and the two families were melded into one.
Believe that following the teachings of Jesus is to embrace all God's children and to speak up for the oppressed.
I could see no sorrow on the part of the two mothers as they embraced their children.
She embraced her children with just the right amount of motherly devotion.
It's like a mother who embraces all her children with the same indiscriminate, uncomprehending love.
The King at once went to embrace his children, and then all three of them freed his wife, their mother, from the tower.
At home he was superdad, a father never too tired to help coach baseball or football practice or just to embrace his three children.