A10 Britain dropped its efforts to deport a leading Saudi dissident.
However, at no point has he said flatly that Congress should drop its efforts to undo environmental laws.
Thus, Yim drops her efforts in trying to save the doomed worldship.
Dropping your efforts to reconcile with Edward, or moving to another city and hoping for a fresh start, would be postponing the inevitable.
It wouldn't take long for them to take over if we dropped our efforts against them.
The group later dropped its efforts.
The State Department last year urged Egypt to drop its apparent efforts to make nerve gas.
Christian radio stations said members of the security committee ran for cover and dropped their efforts to reopen roads and intersections.
Suddenly the '66 fire seemed almost meaningless by comparison, and Mr. Fernandez dropped his efforts for a year.
The team later dropped its efforts to get the bill passed after the city called the endeavor "an act of bad faith" by the Sounds.