The driver leaped out, raced up the path and rushed into the room, not pausing to ring or knock.
The driver put on her flashers, leaped from the car and rushed over to the dog.
But if drivers rush to install the switches, hundreds could die in crashes where an air bag would have saved them, officials said.
Jarrod's driver rushed from his perch to open the door for them.
The driver rushed toward him, angrily criticizing his lack of consideration, especially given his profession.
Several drivers stopped and rushed to the scene.
The bus pulled over to the side of the road and the driver rushed into a newsagent's shop to get the facts.
As she spoke, the driver rushed around the car and opened the front passenger door for her.
Such starts were very unsafe, with drivers possibly rushing the process of fastening their safety equipment.
The driver, possibly blinded by a cloud of tear gas, rushed the students as they stood on the side of the avenue.