The bank itself has been expanding by buying domestic entities.
Its brokerage team services foreign and domestic entities, high net worth individuals and retail clients.
When an organization moves from being a domestic entity to an international organization it must consider the possible broad complexities that accompany such a decision.
Definition 1: Intelligence is secret state or group activity to understand or influence foreign or domestic entities.
The flow of funds accounts follow naturally from double-entry bookkeeping; every financial asset is also a liability of some domestic or foreign human entity.
Under Wadoud's leadership the GSPC sought to develop itself from a largely domestic entity into a larger player on the international terror stage.
Unless an election is made on Form 8832, a domestic eligible entity will be classified by default as:
Prior to 1996, entities both domestic and foreign were classified as corporations or not based on the so-called "multi-factor test", which looked at:
However, in practise, the term is also used to refer to non-won-denominated bond issuance by domestic entities.
Laws and regulations on investment and property ownership allow domestic and foreign entities to establish business enterprises and engage in remunerative activities.