The dog retreated obediently to its master's side.
In the meantime, the crowd surged forward when the dogs retreated and backward when they were released.
At any rate, after circling around for about ten minutes, sniffing inside and outside the timber, both dog and handler retreated back into the forest.
The dog advanced, retreated, paused an instant, and scoured away at his hardest speed.
The little dog retreated under the sofa on my approaching him, and was with great difficulty dislodged by the fire-irons.
Cyrus extended his hand, but the dog retreated from him too.
Man and dog had retreated behind the locked door.
The girl dashed out and the dog retreated to the far side of the pool, where he sat down in a flower bed.
The dog had wisely retreated under the bed.
The dog retreated and my daughter responded, "It was Fitzie's idea."