These short-haired dogs range in colour from light to dark reddish fawn with a brindled appearance.
However, even when dogs range freely in wild or semi-wild circumstances, they show marked divergences from their wild ancestors.
The six naughtiest dogs in the North-East ranged from Bracken the cairn, who insisted on leaping up at every visitor, to Jessica the fearsome-looking rottweiler.
Other dogs ranged through the village.
The dog ranged around the little clearing, her nose to the ground one minute, in the air the next.
These dogs can range from medium size (45 lbs) to quite large (100+ lbs).
The dogs are always left untied and can range from 20-26 inches (males) and 19-24 inches (females).
In vague ways he remembered back to the youth of the breed, to the time the wild dogs ranged in packs through the primeval forest and killed their meat as they ran it down.
The dog ranged wide of his path, coming back every few minutes, seemingly to check on their progress.
Horses grazed and dogs ranged, not unicorns and werewolves.