Soon caught in an intense profit squeeze, the company lost sight of a diversification plan that might have cushioned it in an industry contraction.
Immediately Mr. O'Neill took Alcoa's focus away from an ill-fated diversification plan and back to its core business.
The State of Washington recently appropriated $200,000 for a program to help military contractors and communities dependent on them develop diversification plans.
Founded in 1975, Zilog was acquired by Exxon in 1981 as part of a diversification plan.
Economic statistics indicated that the government had made some progress in its diversification plans.
Major problems facing the diversification plan included a lack of infrastructure and a labour shortage.
In the wake of the strike, such diversification plans are a big fear of U.P.S. management.
It was sold as the Ẽfini MS-9 under Mazda's ill-fated diversification plan.
There will be a mandatory clause to this effect in the Member States' diversification plans.
Crusader's parent company has also seen the fruits of its own diversification plan, selling individual health and life insurance policies for a wider array of companies.