Maggy said proudly to Nick, turning to display her prowess.
She'd so much wanted it to be true, wanted to take her first steps into independence, to have the chance to display her prowess.
She wears a tiger skin, which displays her prowess over the most ferocious energies of nature.
These young people sought to display not merely their athletic prowess, but their deep love of dancing.
It may be that he and his companions will be moved to display their prowess in certain events.
He is very talkative and more than willing to display his mental prowess.
Larry Mize, one of the game's best putters, continued to display his prowess in that department.
If you will follow me I shall be honored to display their prowess.
This allowed Castleberry to display his spectacular prowess on the football field.
The interception was an athletic catch which displayed both Collins' physical prowess and his instincts.