The companies would be prohibited from deducting any charge from the employee's wages.
But, he said, employees repeatedly asked him not to deduct their share of the premiums from their wages.
Let's say a 5% increase, you can consider it a charitable donation which gets deducted from your wages at source.
Long before employers deduct income tax from workers' wages, they must pay the government for pensions, social security and health care.
Can my employer deduct from my wages to cover the cost of a company uniform?
A season ticket soon followed, paid for by Kathleen but a regular amount was deducted from my wages to pay her back.
Workers usually lived in housing provided by the farmers, with rent and food costs deducted from their wages.
I'll deduct a pound a week from your wages till the money is paid off.
Could you, sir, deduct two pounds a week from my wages for five weeks?
Section 3102 mandates that employers deduct these payroll taxes from workers' wages before they are paid.