She talks instead about her success in cutting inflation and reshaping the British economy on market lines.
With other free market changes cutting inflation and encouraging growth, foreign investment has doubled in two years.
It cut inflation, liberalized trade and reduced the budget deficit.
Together, since 1981, we've created almost 20 million jobs, cut inflation in half and cut interest rates in half.
From 1990 until the end of 1994 the Government succeeded in cutting rampant inflation, limiting it to single-digit rates for the last three years.
The bank hopes to cut inflation to 5.1 percent this year, from 7.6 percent in 2004.
With or without Maastricht, it is vital to cut deficits, inflation and interest rates.
This means that the prices of imports have already fallen significantly, which cuts inflation.
Economists say such a huge increase in prices would tend to reduce spending, and therefore cut inflation.
The Fed wants to cut inflation to zero.