Clearly, however, low-skilled people who have families to support can't do it by working at the current minimum wage.
He often points out that the current wage, after taking inflation into account, is 30 percent below its 1968 level.
The current minimum wage in the state is $3.37, but will increase to $3.75 on Thursday.
West German industry argues that current wage and benefit levels already put it at a cost disadvantage.
Another issue with the current minimum wage revolves around compliance.
I'm afraid you won't want to work for my current wages.
Under the Kennedy measure, the current minimum wage would rise 40 cents an hour in each of the next three years until it reached $4.55.
Not one of the film's fast-food women is making more than 25 cents over the current minimum wage.
The union demanded that the agencies pay $10 an hour, up from the current wage of $7.
Congressional Republicans have for years refused to consider an increase in the current minimum wage, $5.15 per hour.