Unlike corporate shareholders, the partners have the right to manage the business directly.
That is, everyone immediately involved - board of directors, corporate shareholders, employees - is actually better off for the ridiculous exercise.
He does not explain why parachutes are needed, to "encourage executives to behave in ways that serve the interests of corporate shareholders."
Doer suggested that corporate shareholders should also be allowed to opt out of party donations.
The decree gives Government decisions the same status as a vote by corporate shareholders.
Most systems treat the formation of a corporation by a controlling corporate shareholder as a nontaxable event.
LP members are subject to the same alter ego piercing theories as corporate shareholders.
In this case, the rules enable a corporate shareholder - Seagram - to save a lot of money.
The same rationale has been extended to joint ventures, where corporate shareholders make a decision through a new company they form.
When properly drawn, such arrangements can encourage executives to behave in ways that serve the interests of corporate shareholders.