Few, if any, corporate employers have policies governing children's expenses.
Why should they do something just because their spouses, union leaders, school administrators, political bosses or corporate employers tell them to?
But getting work from a corporate employer can be difficult.
It employs nearly 397,000 person and is the largest corporate employer in the country.
It is one of the largest corporate employers in Uganda, with over 5,000 people under payroll.
Under the new system, there is some withholding by corporate employers.
Both states and nations are more likely now than ever before to reduce taxes as a lure to corporate employers.
However, the natural bias of their corporate employers can make academics uneasy.
This is the list of top 10 corporate employers in the world as published on 9 July 2012.
Acting on standing orders from their corporate employers, they set out to investigate the transmission's source.