Army field commanders have also begun working with federal police officials around the country to coordinate new regional plans to intercept drug shipments.
He coordinated plans to rebuild the German economy after the war, a war he and others believed to be lost.
Buffy calls Giles, and they coordinate plans.
The department also has coordinated plans for students seeking entry into the fields of marine biology and preveterinary science.
There was much discussion of coordinating five-year plans.
These projects often needed for not only financial and technical help but for a way to coordinate plans with other state projects.
Phan traveled to the north in the hope of coordinating strategic and tactical plans with other leaders.
Some of these involved policy issues, while others included such sensitive efforts as coordinating plans to kidnap terrorists facing charges in American courts.
Greenberg said today he had a pleasant phone conversation with Molloy and that the two men were coordinating plans to meet in the near future.
A commoner function for assemblies was coordinating plans for war.