Lanae' continued cutting through high school, and college.
She continued cutting in an arc, centered around Jacque's feet.
The four axmen continued cutting on the lower notch, stepping in and out as their turn came.
Continue cutting until the waste portion separates completely.
They can continue cutting beyond the ravine, toward Cobsea, still more than a hundred miles of hard wilderness away.
Jackson continued cutting until her hair stopped just above her ears.
Toyota will continue cutting prices to try to shift cars and its workers will have less money to spend on things like cars.
Capital spending, especially on technology, is likely to remain weak for some time, even if the Fed continues cutting the short-term interest rates it controls.
Talkative little man, Bolan mused, as he continued cutting.
He instead announced plans to continue cutting public spending until 2017 - by £15 billion more than forecast.